In February 2012, Izabella’s school counselor and her fourth grade teacher referred her to the Lunch Buddy program through Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Louisiana. With a lot of inconsistency in her home-life, Izabella was struggling socially, academically and personally. Her father was in and out of her life, and she lacked a consistent maternal figure at home. Her teacher and counselor knew she needed someone to look up to; someone who could be there for her.
In October 2012, 9-year-old Izabella was matched with her Big Sister Jo. The pair quickly formed a sincere and genuine bond that blossomed into a true friendship. That following year, in August 2013, they opted to transition from the Lunch Buddy program to the Community program, because they wanted to spend more time together. Since then, they have been inseparable!
“I wouldn’t have believed a Lunch Buddy match could have turned into something like this,” Jo stated. “I didn’t think I would be someone’s Big Sister after the Lunch Buddy program. I felt I was too old to be someone’s Big Sister. However, I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
The two enjoy spending time together on a weekly basis, participating in a range of activities including going to church together, going to movies, and even going to rock concerts! But sometimes, they simply spend time together by going out to lunch. Izabella is comfortable enough that she confides in Jo, and often expresses how much she loves her Big Sister.
Izabella often talks about the future, setting plans to graduate high school and attend college. Izabella notes, with a smile, “And I know that Ms. Jo will be right there, cheering me on.”
With your help, more children like Izabella can have someone there, like Jo, cheering them on as they head through high school and on to college. Consider how you can help Start Something ™ either by volunteering, or by making a donation. Help us to ensure that all children achieve success in life.