
Taniah’s single mom was going to school, working full time, and raising her three kids. She knew her children needed more adult role models, so she enrolled all three as Littles at BBBS Services, Inc. in North Carolina.

Big Sister Angie was dealing with a sort of homesickness. She felt like something was missing in her life because she wasn’t giving back. “People can usually fulfill that need by giving to their family members,” she says. “However, as a first-generation immigrant and with the rest of my family in China, I didn’t have that luxury.” She tried other volunteer opportunities in her community, but nothing allowed her to genuinely connect with the people she was helping.

When Angie participated in a community service project through her job, she met Taniah. They felt instantly connected. They became Little Sister Taniah and Big Sister Angie after that, and have been matched for nearly four years now. Taniah says Angie is the perfect Big Sister for her. “I love that my Big is unique and can always make me laugh,” Taniah says. “I am pretty sure she can stand in a crowd of 100,000 people and I’ll know exactly who and where she is because of how unique she is.”

“I admire Angie because she takes the time out of her day to help with my homework and introduce me to new things.”
– Little Sister Taniah

Big Sister Angie and Little Sister Taniah have played countless games, run in the 5K Color Run, put on fashion shows, and danced to every kind of music. Angie also makes sure Taniah has the opportunity to explore what she might want to study in college, and what kind of career she might want to have as an adult.

Angie has also allowed Taniah to visit her job and see what she does every day. “Opportunities like that show Taniah that she can be successful,” Taniah’s mom says. Not only does Angie sometimes tutor Taniah, she also communicates with Taniah’s teachers, attends Taniah’s school concerts, and teaches her about where her family lives in China. Taniah is excited to learn about the culture of where Angie is from. “Angie has introduced me to her culture by teaching me how to speak Mandarin,” Taniah says.

Through the years, Taniah has struggled with self-confidence and academics, especially math. Big Sister Angie has helped her work on both. “One thing that I admire is Angie’s devotion to Taniah’s education,” Taniah’s mom says. With Taniah’s end-of-grade exam in math coming up, Angie and Taniah took a break from the fun activities they enjoy doing together to focus on math. Angie worried because Taniah was having such a hard time mastering the material. “Fortunately, neither of us gave up,” she says. “The few weeks leading to the exam, we didn’t play at all and spent all our time working on prep questions. The hard work paid off. Taniah got a B! I know it’s not an A, but for us it felt like A+!”

When Al met his Little Brother, McKee was a bubbly, fun 8-year-old whose enthusiasm was infectious. His life was just taking shape, and he had plenty of obstacles to overcome and no consistent male role models. “So much has changed, yet so much remains the same,” Al says. “We still enjoy similar tastes in music. We still like to be silly—singing and dancing in the car. If our singing and dancing can annoy my boys, then it is even more rewarding.”

McKee is always up for new activities, Al says. “His willingness to engage in virtually any outing spoke volumes to me—it didn’t matter what we did, as long as we were together,” Al says. “Having someone else value your presence validates us as individuals.” They have gone on paddleboat adventures, visited museums, played mini-golf, and gone bowling.

Big Brother Al has also been a role model for McKee and a resource for McKee’s mom. She knows that when she is struggling with something related to McKee, she can call Al any time. She says there could be no better Big Brother for her son than Al.  “McKee cares what Al thinks of him, and does not want him to be disappointed in him,” McKee’s mom says.

“After 10 years, Al is not only McKee’s Big Brother, but he is an important part of our lives and we are part of his life.” -Little Brother McKee’s mom

Al has taken McKee to his workplace for Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work Day, where he not only got to see what Al does every day but also got to experiment with his company’s 3D printer. For the past 10 years, Al has modeled what it is to be a stable adult.

When Big Brother Al reflects on their match, it’s clear he knows the effects haven’t been one-sided. He says his relationship with McKee has helped him chart a course for him as a father and that being involved with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Missouri has shown him that he can dedicate himself to improving the lives of others. “McKee has changed my life perhaps as much as I have changed his,” Al says.

Little Brother McKee is 18 now, and he hopes to be a video game designer. When Big Brother Al first heard that, he arranged for McKee to talk with a friend who works in the video game industry. They discussed what classes McKee should take in college and what skills he would need to develop.  Little Brother McKee credits Al for his stability and success. “Al has been there through all of my ups and downs. He’s made me the man I am today,” McKee says. “I just can’t thank him enough for what he has done for me.”



Little Sister Kelly has not had an easy childhood. Fleeing domestic violence, her mother moved a 3-year-old Kelly and her younger brother into a shelter. Years later, Kelly ended up in foster care temporarily, after she was abused by a family friend.

When Kelly first landed in foster care, her foster mother felt overwhelmed. Kelly had already been matched with Amanda for a year at that point, and her foster mom says Amanda helped a lot during the transition. “There were so many needs, questions, and support that I needed that Amanda met and answered, because she was already active in Kelly’s life,” her foster mom says.

Big Sister Amanda boosted Kelly’s confidence, took her on outings that allowed her to be silly and joyful, and reassured her that she was strong enough to deal with what life threw at her.

“She has faced some of the hardest things a girl of her age could ever face,” Amanda says, “and she has emerged on the other side with unending joy, unwavering belief in herself and others, and determination when all [signs] said give up.”

“I always sighed with relief when I saw her always-smiling, positive face at my front door, and to this day, she is still faithful in being with Kelly on a regular basis with genuine sisterly love.”
– Little Sister Kelly’s foster mom

Little Sister Kelly says she knew right away that she could trust Amanda. She says she sensed Amanda’s “compassionate energy” and that Amanda immediately puts people at ease.

Every time they get together, Amanda says, she tries to discuss a character trait with Kelly. “What do you want to be when you grow up?” is not a question Amanda would ask. “I focus our conversations not around what she wants to be in occupation, but who she wants to become,” Amanda says. “What she wants people to say about her, how she wants others to feel around her and what values she wants to live by.” Kelly engages in these conversations, and both Big Sister Amanda and Little Sister Kelly challenge each other to learn and grow.

The next stage of Kelly’s growth is her transition to college. With a stellar GPA and a commitment to her education, Kelly’s college plans are on track. Big Sister Amanda is helping her with her essays and searching with her for scholarships. “With the stress of college applications and scholarships, Amanda has prodded me to stay focused on due dates and to persevere through my more pressing senioritis,” Kelly says.

For almost two years, Ryan has been the consistent and positive male presence that Robert needed. Robert’s mom has been a wonderful supporter of her son, but faces the demands of working two jobs and having four other children to take care of. Ryan has been able to focus on the things that Robert was interested in but didn’t have the opportunity to do.

Ryan is a detective, and he leads an active lifestyle. Robert was interested in sports, but had never been able to play on a team. Robert’s mom simply didn’t have the extra money for lessons, gear, or fees.

When summer approached, Ryan knew Robert’s family wasn’t likely to have money for a sports camp. He found one through the local Minor League Baseball team and got his fellow officers to donate old equipment so Robert could participate. Pretty soon, Robert was all about baseball.

“That’s all he talked about,” Robert’s mom says. “[He was] wanting to run, wanting to be a baseball player. But it’s hard to say ‘this is what he’s into,’ because he’s into everything. He loves everything.”

Later in the summer, when Usain Bolt and other Olympic runners were all anyone talked about, Robert got the running bug. Ryan took him to the police gym so he could run sprints. Ryan timed him with a stopwatch.

“Now, everything is sprints,” Ryan says. “I pick him up from school and he wants to run sprints, wants me to time him.”

Almost two years ago, Ryan and several of his fellow officers became Big Brothers through BBBS of Southwest Virginia’s Oliver Hill program, in which volunteers, including members of the law enforcement community, are matched in one-to-one mentoring relationships with elementary school children. The mentors, Big Brothers or Big Sisters, meet their Littles each week at a set time.

When Ryan and his fellow volunteer officers first walked into the classroom in uniform, the kids shied away. “They were actually a little fearful,” Ryan says.

“ Above all else, we want kids to know we’re a safe place. ”

– Big Brother Ryan

Returning week after week to work one-on-one with their Littles and to do activities with the entire group, the officers gained the students’ trust. Now, when Ryan and the other officers visit the neighborhood where the students live, they are excited. They shout hello to them, point out to other kids that they know those officers.

Recently, Robert’s class at school discussed law enforcement careers.

“Let’s talk about police officers. What do police officers do?” his teacher asked.

Another child spoke up. “Shoot people,” he said.

Robert had to say something. “No,” he said, “that’s not true. My Big Brother is a police officer and he doesn’t shoot people.”

Ryan tells this story as a testament to the impact positive, caring adults in the law enforcement community can have on kids, but he is just as eager to talk about the effect mentoring Robert has had on him. Being able to get to know his family has changed his life, he says. “When you’re a police officer, a lot of times, you deal with the one percent of people who are negative. You can get jaded,” he says. “99 percent of our interactions are with that one percent. That’s why I wanted to do this. Being in the neighborhood with the kids, you get to see how good people are.”

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When Big Brother John and Little Brother first met, Dominic was a shy, energetic 8-year-old. With little contact with his father, he had developed trust and anger issues that ran deep.

“Through his life there were a lot of male figures who always let him down,” Dominic’s mom says. A single parent whose disability and means kept her from being able to give Dominic opportunities that she wanted to, she decided to enroll him at Big Brothers Big Sisters of Colorado.

Big Brother John concentrated on giving Dominic opportunities to try new things and learn new skills, like golf and snowboarding, but he also tried to make sure that Dominic was learning manners and social skills along the way. Through BBBS of Colorado, the two of them got the opportunity to take golf lessons. Dominic says he never imagined he would like golf, but it turned out he was a naturally good putter.

During one lesson, Dominic missed an eight-foot putt. He grew angry quickly, and knocked someone else’s ball off the green. Big Brother John dealt with Dominic’s anger right then, telling him that it was okay to be upset, but that it wasn’t okay to deal with it by taking it out on someone else. “He was upset with me and did not talk to me for about a half hour, but we went back to that lesson,” John says. “As we got into my truck to leave, Dominic apologized and told me he would not do it again.” One-on-one moments like this have allowed Big Brother John to listen to Dominic, acknowledge his feelings, and help him move forward.

“I tell people the best thing you can do is volunteer. It helps you put your life in perspective, and I feel it changes your priorities for the better. It has not been easy, but more rewarding than I could have imagined.”
– Big Brother John

Big Brother John has also tried to help Dominic plan for the future. His first goal has always been to simply be there for Dominic, to not let Dominic down. He says he focuses on “showing him how to treat others, and how to carry himself in various situations. Also helping him to set goals, like finishing high school, thinking about and planning for college.”

Dominic’s mom says she thinks her son’s teenage years would have turned out a lot differently if he hadn’t had a Big Brother like John. “Without John in his life, he wouldn’t be graduating, he would be really disrespectful to adults, and getting in a lot more fights,” she says. Having John there to deal with his behavior and support him in his efforts to change his actions and his perspective has been key.

Dominic got a job after graduating high school and is now enrolled in college.

The most important part of their relationship, Dominic’s mom says, is that John is there for her son no matter what. “John has helped Dominic the most by being there for him and not disappointing him,” she says. “He was there for everything in his life since he was 8 years old, and he never let Dominic down.”

When Little Sister Jazzy and her grandmother arrived in Hawaii, they had nowhere to live and very little money. They stayed with a family member for a while and eventually ended up in a homeless shelter that was dangerous and scary for Jazzy. Her life certainly was hard after school, but at first, it was hard at school, too. Jazzy was bullied by other kids, and she struggled to keep up with lessons.

“When I went to school the first day, it was difficult. I didn’t understand,” Jazzy says. “The teacher called on me to answer but I couldn’t.” Jazzy’s grandmother spoke very little English when she first got to Hawaii, and was focused on meeting Jazzy’s basic needs.

At the homeless shelter, a Big Brothers Big Sisters of Hawaii staff member came to explain BBBS and to hand out applications for Littles. Right away, Jazzy knew she wanted a Big Sister. She was matched with Big Sister Lesley. For almost the first full year of their match, Jazzy was living in the homeless shelter. Even when it was overly complicated to make plans, because of the language barrier or the family’s lack of access to a phone, Lesley met consistently with Jazzy. They went to the movies, worked on school work, went fishing, and tried new foods.

“Lesley and this program, it’s helping Jazzy live a better life.”
–Little Sister Jazzy’s grandmother

“She takes her to do all kinds of things I didn’t know about before, like different botanical gardens [and] the zoo,” Jazzy’s grandmother says. “I’m so thankful for Lesley. If it wasn’t for Lesley, Jazzy would have never known about these new things in Hawaii.”

Big Sister Lesley tries to give Jazzy the opportunity to enjoy being a kid, but she also tries to make sure she is always learning new things and improving in school. Little Sister Jazzy says Lesley has helped her do more than adjust to school in Hawaii – she’s now excelling in it. “Lesley is special because she is able to explain things to me so that I understand it and get better at it,” Jazzy says. “I realized that by being with Lesley, she would help me accomplish my goals at school and, one day, I would get to go to college.”

Big Sister Lesley says she concentrates on sharing new experiences with Jazzy. She taught Jazzy that college is within her reach, even though none of her family members have attended, and that there is a broader world outside the life she has now.

In the three years since Little Sister Jazzy was matched with Lesley, Jazzy’s grandmother has worked hard to make sure that Jazzy now has a safe place to live. “But Jazzy and her family still live in extreme poverty, the kind of poverty that is all-consuming,” Lesley says. “Fortunately, Jazzy is resilient. And kind. And funny as all get-out. She is an absolute joy to be around, despite her hardships.”

Comic book authors and comic enthusiasts take over Albuquerque, New Mexico each January during ComicCon, a massive convention celebrating all things comic book, superhero, fantasy, and sci-fi. Among those excited fans are Big Sister Connie and Little Sister Jillian, who have made attending the convention together a yearly tradition.

Matched since 2006, Big Sister Connie and Little Sister Jillian both say they feel like sisters. When they first met, Little Sister Jillian was 6.

They started their friendship slowly, heading to simple outings like dinner at McDonald’s. Jillian was shy, but slowly opened up to Connie. Jillian is a private person, and didn’t always want to talk about what she struggled with at home. Connie could see that she was carrying a lot and made it easy for Jillian to share with her. “I tell her my problems and work things out,” Jillian says.

Even when Jillian was very young, her mother knew that she would benefit from having a mentor. “Connie has been there for Jillian when things were not going well, especially with ongoing family issues,” Jillian’s mom says. Having another caring adult in her life helped Jillian feel supported and grow.

“She has shown me to open up more. She gives me another perspective of life.”
– Little Sister Jillian

“I was someone who was scared to try new things,” Little Sister Jillian says. Now, she approaches unfamiliar situations with confidence. Jillian’s mom says her friendship with Connie has been key. “Connie has helped transform Jillian from being a shy young girl to becoming a confident, outgoing young lady,” Jillian’s mom says.

Big Sister Connie encourages Jillian to be proud of her unique personality and distinct interests. Jillian loves all types of art, including sculpture, orchestra, visual art, and of course, comic book art.

With Connie, she has been able to explore these interests. Jillian has been exposed to new activities, and she has been encouraged to express herself, and that has been a big part of her development. Jillian will graduate from high school in May, and she hopes to pursue a career in makeup artistry or film production.

Having a Big Sister has made a big impact on Jillian, but being a Big Sister has also had an impact on Connie. Despite her own hectic schedule and the needs of her own family, Connie has made her relationship with Jillian a priority. “If I had not accepted the responsibility of a Little Sister, I would have missed out on so many blessings,” Connie says. “She has taught me more about comic characters and movies than I would have ever known!”

Big Sister Deborah always knew she would go to college. Her dream was to become a nurse. Her family valued education, and her father pushed her to focus on school and what she wanted to accomplish in her life.

She sees some of her own father in her Little Sister’s mother. They bonded right away. “She will go above and beyond her call of duty to make sure she provides the best care for her children,” Big Sister Deborah says. “She truly believes in education, and she will do everything it takes to provide that.”

Little Sister Deahajah’s mom enrolled her in Big Brothers Big Sisters because, as a single mother, she thought it would be good for Deahajah to have another caring adult in her life and because she saw Deahajah struggling in math and reading. Deahajah says her Big Sister inspired her to focus and try harder. “When I was struggling in subjects, she came and helped me,” she says. “Education is very important to her and her family, so she shares her values with me.”

“She always reaches her goals. She teaches me to do the same. She showed me that I can be great too.”
– Little Sister Deahajah

Deahajah has also learned to cope with bullying and overcome the temptation to act out in school. Deborah has learned to be patient with Deahajah and to coach her through tough times rather than get frustrated when Deahajah gets in trouble at school. Together, they have made progress with Deahajah’s behavior and academics. “It’s hard to explain to a child that it is not always good to satisfy your momentary passions,” Deborah says. “Slowly but surely she is coming to understand.”

Becoming a Big Sister was a way for Deborah to acknowledge that she had been supported and encouraged as a child and a way for her to give back. She hoped to inspire her Little Sister to value herself and have confidence to pursue her dreams, as Deborah had. What she didn’t imagine was that these effects would also extend to her Little Sister’s mother. “Not only has she taught my daughter things, but she has also taught me,” Deahajah’s mom says. “She encourages me to go back to school to further my education.”

A trusting, one-to-one relationship often benefits the Little’s family, and it can also have a big impact on the Big. Deborah says that after three and half years, she truly sees Deahajah as family. “She is my motivator,” Deborah says. “She watches me, so I need to continue to live my life in an upright fashion.”

Big Brother Brian was used to being a little brother. He was one of two children, and his brother was less than a year older. When they were both still in college, Brian’s brother passed away suddenly. The loss was a huge blow.

“Being so involved in each other’s lives for 22 years, I could not imagine my life experiences without a brother,” Brian says.
When he learned about Big Brothers Big Sisters and one-to-one mentoring, he knew he had to get involved. “I thought back to my experiences as a younger brother and the importance of our relationship,” he says. Being a Big Brother would be a tribute to his big brother’s legacy.
About seven years ago, Brian was matched with Little Brother Rhyeem. Back then, Rhyeem was shy and had trouble making friends.

“I trust Brian because he always takes time to listen and answer my questions, and I know he will always be there for me.”
– Little Brother Rhyeem

In a short period of time, Rhyeem grew less shy and more comfortable in social situations. He lost his fear of dogs and large crowds. He learned how to shake hands and how to introduce himself to strangers. “Because Brian is my friend, this made me feel confident about being able to make more friends,” Rhyeem says. “Every September after meeting Brian, I started to feel more excited and less nervous about going back to school.”

Now, Rhyeem’s mom says she can barely remember her son being shy. She enrolled him as a Little Brother because as a single mom, it was hard for her to understand what her young son was going through. “For things like sports, friendships, and relationships I felt Rhyeem could use a male figure in his life,” she says.

Brian has filled that role by spending time with Rhyeem and teaching him new things. “Brian taught me how to play basketball games at the park, how to feed animals at the zoo, how to carve a pumpkin, make dinner, and shop for groceries,” Rhyeem says. “It’s important to me that we’re able to do things that guys do together since it was always just me and my mother in the house.”

Both Big Brother Brian and Little Brother Rhyeem have moved since they were match, and the match has persisted. Rhyeem was an usher in Brian’s wedding, and they now consider one another family. “It makes me feel special and important that Brian has continued to spend time with me while also making me part of his family,” Rhyeem says. “Through all of the changes in our lives since we met, Brian and I are still best friends.”

When Big Brother Dick first met his Little Brother, Aaron was a shy 9-year-old living with his single mom. They hiked up Arizona’s Pima Canyon Trail, and Big Brother Dick began building Aaron’s confidence with small adventures.

“I was providing him with a positive male figure in his life, since his father had been entirely absent,” Dick says, “and he was the surrogate grandson I didn’t have.”

Eventually, Big Brother Dick noticed that Little Brother Aaron wasn’t attending school regularly. He was supposed to be riding his bike to school, but he would often succumb to the temptation of riding off with friends and skipping class. His grades suffered.

“I decided to make it my mission to change this pattern of behavior,” Dick says. “I have two sons, much older now, and I felt this time in his life, like theirs, could very well set the pattern for his entire future.”

“Friends come and go, but brothers are forever.”
– Little Brother Aaron

Little Brother Aaron’s adventures with his Big Brother out in the community were going well, but at home, Aaron’s life started getting intense and stressful. He had to leave his house and started staying with a friend, not sure how long he would be welcome. He was in desperate need of a new living situation. Big Brother Dick helped him find a group home for boys dealing with similar circumstances. “After the first year of some painful adjustments, Aaron has become the fine young man that I knew he was all along,” Dick says.

Oscar, a staff person at the home, says Dick’s influence had a major effect when Aaron was struggling at school. The staff at the home tried over and over again to persuade Aaron to concentrate on schoolwork, but nothing they did worked. No matter what, they couldn’t motivate him. Then Big Brother Dick stepped in.

“Dick attended an educational meeting for Aaron, and the fact of him being in that meeting had a deep effect on Aaron, because someone who Aaron has high respect for was hearing the areas that he was struggling in,” Oscar says.

After that meeting, Aaron went from an unmotivated student not passing his classes to an honor roll student. “When I have bad grades, he tells me to correct them and motivates me to do so,” Aaron says. Now, Aaron is doing well in his second year of high school. He has even earned a leadership role in his junior ROTC program.

As a single father, Leah’s dad didn’t have all the answers. He didn’t know how to think about things from a girl’s point of view. Knowing his 11-year-old needed a positive female role model, he enrolled her in Big Brothers Big Sisters.

A little over a year ago Sally attended a Nerium “Get Real” conference, where the company encouraged Brand Partners like herself to learn more about Big Brothers Big Sisters. “They also feature amazing stories about the matches, which piqued my interest,” she says. A co-worker signed up as a volunteer, and soon after, Sally became a Big Sister.

She knew right away that she and Leah would be a good match. “Leah is incredibly smart, fun, mature, and a little sassy,” she says. In the past year, Little Sister Leah has opened up to her Big Sister. “She has always been outgoing and talkative, but now I feel like we are really comfortable with each other,” she says.

“The bond that the two have grown will continue for the rest of their lives.”
– Little Sister Leah’s dad

Leah was all smiles and giggles when they were first matched, but she says she was struggling on the inside. Her dad decided to sign her up to get a Big Sister, she says, because he could see she was sad, and he wanted her to have someone to spend time with and learn from besides him. “At the time, I was kind of depressed because a lot had happened a few months before,” she says. “Sally helped me cope with the situations and helped me get better.”

Big Sister Sally and Little Sister Leah are frequent volunteers at their local animal shelter. Leah loves animals, so they also spend time grooming and feeding horses. They also do crafts, go shopping and try out makeup tips. In the first year of their match, spending time with her Little Sister has had a big impact on Sally, too. “I am learning patience and selflessness,” she says. “It makes me feel good to know that I can assist Leah’s dad in helping her become a strong, independent young woman who knows she is special and loved.”

On a long canoe trip down the Guadalupe River, Big Brother Santiago let Little Brother Ryan, 16, navigate. “We agreed on what the commands would be for directions, and I taught him how to read the current, so his job was to look for rocks and low spots as we passed through small rapids,” Santiago says. At first, Santiago watched just as closely as he would have if he was the one navigating. But it was soon clear that Ryan was taking his job seriously, and Santiago was confident in Ryan’s ability to navigate them safely down the river. “His attention to detail and ability to follow directions never ceases to amaze me,” Santiago says.

When they were first matched about three years ago, Ryan wasn’t so open to learning from Santiago. He wasn’t open to bonding with his Big Brother at all. At their first match meeting, Ryan was distant and uncomfortable. He only answered when asked a direct question. Raised by his grandmother and disappointed by others who had come into his life for a short time, he was wary of Santiago. “Ryan was opposed to opening himself up to another person that may get up and leave at any given time,” Ryan’s grandma says.

“I’ve seen that with hard work and dedication, you can get somewhere in life. With heart and compassion, you become someone you respect and others respect and value as well.”
– Little Brother Ryan

Big Brother Santiago understood Ryan’s reluctance, and patiently tried to find ways to connect with the teenager. Santiago loves the outdoors, so he found activities they could do together outside, like canoeing. They bonded over their shared sense of humor, and Santiago won Ryan over by being there for him consistently. “His humor and dedication is inspirational to me,” Ryan says. “He takes the time out of his day, time out of his life, to spend time with someone he had nothing in common with.”

Ryan’s grandmother has seen Big changes in her grandson as a result of his relationship with Santiago. He has gained self-confidence and learned to interact more positively with both peers and adults. “Ryan has grown to be more aware of his actions as well as maintaining his grades and considering his future in the bigger picture,” she says.

A first generation college student with a successful career, Santiago first got involved with Big Brothers Big Sisters of South Texas because he wanted to positively affect his Little Brother’s commitment to school and help him plan for the future. He uses each outing to teach his Little Brother, share a new perspective or teach a new skill – like paddling carefully down a river in a canoe. “To me, it’s not about being able to go to a movie or a quick outing,” Ryan says, “it’s the fact that I learned something out of every experience in life.”

Having a male role model was a completely new experience for Little Brother Tennessee. When he was matched with Big Brother Daine, he was 8, and he had never had a father or father figure in his life. Big Brother Daine says he sees the role of a Big Brother not as a father but as someone who simply fills in the gaps for the Little. As the Little grows, the gaps change.

“As a kid, the gaps were simpler, like teaching him to tie his own shoes, showing him how to set the hook, and how to hit a baseball,” he says. As Tennessee grew older, the gaps changed, and Daine’s role entailed answering questions about driving and jobs and listening to stories about friends and girls.

Daine has also spent time helping Tennessee when he was struggling with school or struggling just to get to school. When the truancy officer started coming around, Daine started calling to make sure Tennessee made it to school, and volunteered to pick him up and take him to school if he hadn’t made it. When it came time for Tennessee to start working part-time, Daine helped him navigate finding a job and opening his own bank account.

“We have a very good relationship and no matter what, we can always get through any problems.”
– Little Brother Tennessee

Having a male role model for Tennessee has been a relief for Daine’s mom. “He is someone he can talk to and do things with,” she says. “I think he has given Tennessee options to think about solutions to problems.” For a while, she says, Tennessee was edgy, but now he is much easier to talk to. Daine describes him as happy and polite. “Tennessee’s positive attitude and absolute kindness, as well as his charm and knack for reading people, will propel him toward a happy and fulfilling life.”

When they were first matched, Big Brother Daine and Little Brother Tennessee bonded over hitting golf balls, playing Frisbee golf, and tossing the football. As Tennessee grew up, they began to get more adventurous, going snow tubing and go-kart racing. It sounds like all fun, but their adventures meant a lot to Tennessee’s mom. “He has taken Tennessee to do things that I would not otherwise be able to bring him to do,” she says, “and given him a life that I would not be able to.”

The impact of the Big on the Little is usually what is celebrated, but often, the impact of the Little on the Big is just as profound. “When signing up to be a Big, I didn’t have many expectations,” Daine says. “I figured I’d meet a young boy who wanted a friend to play at the park with once in a while. I had no idea I would meet such a charismatic little guy whom I’d bond with for years to come.”

Little Sister Dasha admits that for a long time, she saw school “as a joke.” She was not convinced she should spend time studying. She associated school with being bullied, and her grades suffered because she was not taking it seriously. Big Sister Laurie had to work hard to make sure Dasha understands why school is important and she has shown her Little Sister that she can excel.

“School has been a challenge for Dasha, so we have used our time together to problem-solve regarding school issues,” Big Sister Laurie says. “I was able to get Dasha into a tutoring program through Communities in Schools to help with her studies.”

Dasha says that Big Sister Laurie helped her see that her grades would impact her future. Dasha and Laurie visited a college campus together, and they have explored some possible career paths. Little Sister Dasha says she wants to be a traveling nurse or a flight attendant.

For over a decade, Little Sister Dasha and Big Sister Laurie have been matched through Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northeast Florida. Dasha’s aunt, her guardian, decided to enroll Dasha soon after she assumed custody of Dasha, who was just 6. “I was unsure as to how I could improve her situation and life,” her aunt says. “I was not sure how to help her cope with the loss of having a mother to care for her. I found out about Big Brothers Big Sisters and reached out.”

I’m excited to see what the future holds for this special young woman, and I know I want to be part of that promising future.
– Big Sister Laurie

Big Sister Laurie has seen Dasha through some big childhood moments. She was there when Dasha was struggling with school. She helped her deal with being bullied. She took her to the DMV to pick up her driver’s handbook and helped her study for her permit. Then she sat patiently in the passenger seat and helped Dasha learn to drive.

These big moments and everyday situations gave Big Sister Laurie and Little Sister Dasha the chance to learn something new about the world and about one another. When Laurie took Dasha kayaking for the first time, she turned it into a lesson about wind direction and tidal changes. Bike rides when Dasha was young were also lessons about telling right from left.

When Little Sister Dasha was 15, her Big Sister Laurie took her to a local restaurant. She helped Dasha fill out a job application and encouraged her to introduce herself to the manager when she dropped it off. “By the time we got home, she had a call to inform her that she was hired,” Big Sister Laurie says. For over a year now, Dasha has been working as a hostess and a food runner, and is learning many valuable skills. “We use her work experiences to discuss how to interact with customers and fellow workers, and how to use these experiences to determine the pros and cons of future career choices,” Big Sister Laurie says.

By making sure Little Sister Dasha learns a lot in little moments and is supported through big moments, Big Sister Laurie has had a big impact. “As a guardian of a child, I cannot emphasize enough how helpful it has been to show my niece that there are many people in the world who create your family,” Dasha’s aunt says. “Laurie has definitely become one of ours.”

After his father left, Horacio was missing more than someone to toss a football with. He was in need of a positive male role model who could show a boy through his example how to be strong and kind. Big Brother Ron has been an example of those things for Little Brother Horacio. “My natural instinct was to offer advice as if he was my child,” Big Brother Ron says, “but instead I willed myself to listen and to put myself in his shoes.”

Big Brother Ron entered Little Brother Horacio’s life just as Horacio’s father was leaving. “We were going through a tough time when his dad left home,” Horacio’s mom says. “Horacio was lonely, sad and depressed by the abandonment by his father.”

For the past five years, Big Brother Ron has been a steady role model in Horacio’s life. They throw the football around, attend Minor League Baseball games, and fold and fly paper airplanes in the park. Ron talks to him about the importance of getting good grades, and how that will help him fulfill his dreams.

Being a Big Brother is not always easy. One day when Little Brother Horatio came home drunk and high, his mother’s reaction made him worry about how his Big Brother would respond. “My mom was very worried about me and was sad to see me that way,” Horatio says. He even went to his match support specialist to talk about his poor choices before explaining what happened to his Big Brother.

“Being a Big means being a friend. I’m not there to judge him, but to offer understanding, care and direction.”
– Big Brother Ron

“Ron and I talk about anything, including my poor decision-making,” Little Brother Horacio says. He says he stopped drinking and using drugs, and is motivated to do better in school. “I want to bring my grade up to at least a B and do well in school, not only for me, but also to make my Big Brother proud of me,” he says. As Horacio has worked to make better choices, Big Brother Ron has been there to support him. “Thanks to Ron, Horacio has stopped using illegal substances and has done a great job at avoiding gang involvement and other risky behaviors,” Horacio’s mom says.

Little Brother Horacio told his Big Brother that he aspired to be a Marine. When Big Brother Ron asked why, Horacio said it was because as a Marine, he would be able to make a difference. “I thought about this and realized this little boy has a huge heart and cares about people,” Ron says. “In his own mind, he’s projecting himself as a hero in real life.”

At this point, improving his social choices, avoiding peer pressure, doing well in school, and preparing for college are things Horacio wants, but they are things that seem incredibly challenging. Ron tells him to enjoy the journey along the path, not just the end itself, but the path forward seems about as easy as climbing Mt. Everest, Ron says. “But I encourage him, and let him know that all of us have looked at that same mountain,” Ron says. “If you take one positive step at a time, you’ll get there.”

Crystal could have gotten lost. With eight brothers and sisters, she got little individual attention. Her mother spoke only Spanish, but she found a way to enroll her daughter in Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Arizona.

“As a single mother of nine children, three of which didn’t finish high school, I didn’t want to make the same mistakes I made with my older children with Crystal,” her mom says.

At age 8, Little Sister Crystal was matched with Big Sister Dannielle. The match began as a “Lunch Buddies” match, and Dannielle visited Crystal each week at school, playing games and getting to know her.

When they transitioned to a community-based match, they started spending time at museums and seeing movies together. Dannielle didn’t speak any Spanish, but she found a way to bond with Crystal’s family anyway. “Even though I can’t have conversations with Dannielle, I see the joy in her eyes when we do talk,” Crystal’s mom says. Dannielle and Crystal stayed connected even when Crystal moved, which happened more than half a dozen times during the first years of their match.

“As she has developed from a child into a teenager and soon an adult, I could not be prouder of the person that she has become.”

– Big Sister Dannielle

Dannielle has taught Crystal that it’s important to try new things, even if you think you won’t like them. “This has not always worked out,” Dannielle says. “She officially says no to seafood, except shrimp.” Crystal says Dannielle has also motivated her to embrace her creative side and to develop her talent for drawing and art.

Crystal has faced family issues and social and academic challenges, and she has grown immensely in the time she has been matched with Dannielle. “I have so enjoyed watching the changes take place,” Dannielle says. “From the little girl who would only wear black, to the teenager who dyed her hair bright pink or blue, from the little girl who would only wear jeans (even in the summer) to the young woman who wears dresses. From the little girl who would hardly speak in a restaurant to order her food, to the young woman who can ask a stranger for directions.”

One of Big Sister Dannielle’s goals in spending time with Crystal is to empower her to have control over her own choices and future. “I told Crystal I am not here to tell her what to do with her life. It is her choice and her life,” Dannielle says. “My job is to help show you the possibilities of what you can become and how to obtain those goals.”

Little Sister Crystal recently graduated from high school and is planning to enter the Air Force. She says her Big Sister’s support has been key. “She pushed me to finish high school and do the right things so I can get into college,” Crystal says. “To me, it meant a lot because my older siblings didn’t finish high school.”

When Moranda’s mother first enrolled her in Big Brothers Big Sisters, she was looking for someone to bring Moranda out of her shell. One of four kids, Moranda was a shy child living in a small apartment with a single mother.

Moranda was in second grade when she was matched with Big Sister Nan. More than five years later, she’s shed her shyness. She’s now described as social, outgoing and adventurous. “Nan has given me confidence in everything I do,” Moranda says. “This includes school work, playing the violin, and singing in chorus.” The once-timid Little Sister has also given speeches at Big Brothers Big Sisters events, sharing their match story so others might volunteer or support Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northeast Iowa.

At “63 years young,” Big Sister Nan relies on Little Sister Moranda to let her know what pre-teen girls are into. “Despite our big age difference, she amazes me with how much she knows,” Nan says. “And I think I amaze her with how much I have experienced from living in what we like to call ‘the good ol’ days.’”

Big Sister Nan says they have learned together “the value of true friendship, trust, empathy, kindness, laughter, love, and faith.” Nan says she benefits just as much as Moranda does from the time they spend together baking, cooking, bowling, going to the movies, and having picnics.

“ No matter what paths our lives take, I hope we will always keep in touch and encourage each other. After our involvement with Big Brothers Big Sisters, our lives will never be the same.”
– Big Sister Nan

“Spending time with Moranda is like a very sunny day,” she says. Together, they work to spread that sunniness into their community. “We feel that no matter how little money we have, we can always do something to brighten another person’s day,” Big Sister Nan says. At a local nursing home, they have played games with the residents and sung Christmas carols.

Moranda’s mother says Nan’s positivity has had an effect on their whole family. “We have learned that if you surround yourself with good people and make an effort to recognize their positive contributions to your life, you will have less negative experiences with others,” she says.

Just knowing Moranda has her Big Sister’s support helps Moranda’s mother, she says. “Sometimes I am in a lot of pain due to my health,” she says, “but by speaking with Nan, my heart melts because I know that there are good people out there in this world.”

Little Brother Tra’s mom needed something to change. She was an unemployed single parent with three kids. She had only her GED. She and her kids lived in public housing. She wondered whether signing her children up for Big Brothers Big Sisters would make any difference. She figured it was worth trying, and through Heart of Illinois BBBS, her son Tra was matched with Big Brother Wes.

Little Brother Tra was nervous. Even at 5, he had been wishing for someone to come into his life to spend time with him, someone to help him accomplish his goals. Would this stranger be that person? His mother had the same worries. She wondered whether this match would be long-term or whether her son’s new Big Brother would fade out of her son’s life.

“We immediately interacted like we’d already known each other,” Big Brother Wes says. “Just as I would interact with my boys.” As a father of two, he knew what kinds of things young boys like to do, and he made an effort to do simple, fun activities with Tra one-on-one and to include him occasionally in activities he did with his wife and boys. They spent time together hiking, biking, going to parks, having water fights, going sledding, having snowball fights, playing hide-and-seek, playing board games, attending BBBS events, going to dinner, and, Wes says, “comparing epic burps.”

“ I also encourage parents to sign their children up so that they could have the best Big Brother or Big Sister, like me, that will make life make a little more sense and feel more love with more people raising them.”
– Little Brother Tra

Doing these activities, ranging from skill-building to pure silliness, has bonded Wes and Tra together over the five years they have been matched. As their relationship has grown and evolved, their conversations have too. Recently, they began discussing college and the expectations for grades and studying, and the potential for scholarships. “Tra already understands how things he does today lay the foundation for his future,” Wes says.

With Tra matched with a Big Brother, and as she felt comfortable with their friendship, Tra’s mom felt newly confident herself. “Now that I was at ease, I began to work on me,” she says. “I applied and started my associate’s degree at ICC.” When Big Brother Wes was with Tra, Tra’s mom used that window of time to study.

In the time that Tra has been matched with Big Brother Wes, Tra’s mom has not just started college – she has earned her bachelor’s degree and begun pursuing her master’s in business. “We couldn’t have done this without Big Brothers Big Sisters giving me and my family a chance,” she says.

Little Brother Tra has also been meeting his goals. He is on the honor roll, and he was elected class president. He was even selected to give a speech to welcome the Governor of Illinois when he visited Tra’s elementary school. Big Brothers Big Sisters “has been a starting point in my life that I needed, and at the right time,” Tra says.

At 5, Little Sister Bailie was elated when she met her new Big Sister.

“I’m Bailie!” she said. “Are you my Big Sister?”

Big Sister Amber said yes. Bailie hugged her immediately. “Good! I love you, Big Sister!”

Amber had decided to step up as a Big Sister not long after her 18th birthday. “Bailie doesn’t know how much she influenced me as a young adult,” Amber says. “As [with] any college student, there were many times that I could’ve made the wrong choices. But I knew there was a little girl looking up to me as her role model, and I would not dare jeopardize that.”

“Over the years, our relationship has grown stronger and stronger. We’ve laughed and cried together, experienced losses, accomplished goals, gained friends, and learned life lessons. We’ve gone through most of her life as “sisters,” and I know we will always have that bond.”

– Big Sister Amber

At times, Big Sister Amber was the only consistent person in her Little Sister’s life. Bailie was moving frequently, fleeing unstable and dangerous situations at home. Amber stayed available to Bailie through it all, even when Bailie’s placement with a new guardian meant she had to move 20 miles away. “Amber has taught her about commitment and loyalty when Bailie felt rejected by her parents,” Bailie’s aunt says. For a child dealing with feelings of rejection and abandonment, trust can be a challenge. Big Sister Amber’s consistency has helped Bailie regain her trust in adults. “Amber makes me feel safe, and I know she will never leave me behind,” Bailie says.

Big Sister Amber has also encouraged Little Sister Bailie to focus and strive to be a better student. “Bailie’s parents didn’t work or have an education, so Bailie had never been told to do well in school, and had never heard of college,” Amber says. Now, Bailie believes that if she works hard, she will be able to go to college. She wants to be a veterinarian. “My hope is that not only will she be successful in a career one day,” Amber says, “but that she will also reach out to other children and be a role model as well.”

Throughout her tough childhood, Little Sister Bailie has struggled with self-confidence. “She had been told so many negative things that she didn’t see how beautiful she is, inside and out,” Amber says. By including her as a bridesmaid in her wedding, conducting countless makeup and hair styling sessions, and being generally positive and encouraging, Amber has helped Bailie feel good about herself and deal with bullying. “She shows me how to stand up for myself and what’s right. She shows me how to care for other people,” Bailie says. “Amber shows me how to be beautiful inside and out.”

Before she became the CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Atlantic and Cape May Counties, Beatrix Jerkins was a French teacher. She watched kids in her New Jersey school struggling to make it, needing more help than she was allowed to give. A high-schooler needed a ride home – she wasn’t permitted to drive kids in her car. Another student needed help with something over a weekend – she couldn’t pitch in. As a child from a single-parent household herself, she realized that kids could benefit from more individual attention. In 1983, she signed up to be a Big Sister.

“I thought, I could help a kid, one-on-one,” Beatrix says. “And I wanted, as an African-American female, I wanted to be matched with an African-American Little, because I wanted them to see that they could be successful.”

Beatrix is a five-time Big Sister, and her passion for Big Brothers Big Sisters led her to leave her career as a French teacher to work at her local affiliate. She started out as a caseworker, helping to make and manage positive, long-lasting matches in her community. She retired in May 2016 after 23 years as the CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Atlantic and Cape May Counties.

Even as CEO, she continued her match relationships, both community-based and school-based. “They always gave me the kids they thought I could handle. I wasn’t afraid of them,” she says. “Someone else would say they were scared, or the family was too tough or the neighborhood was too rough. Atlantic City is not a community where just anyone could walk in and feel safe.”

“ You just don’t know how things are affecting kids. They just need to know they have someone to lean on or go to”

– Big Sister Beatrix

Being a caseworker in communities like that, and being a Big to children living in those communities, gave Beatrix the perspective to manage her agency in a way that would benefit communities that needed help most.

Beatrix’s first and second community-based matches both ended when the Littles were placed in foster care out of the area. Her third match lasted a decade. Little Sister Christina was a “gabby, chatty kid,” Beatrix says. “She was one of nine children, she had eight brothers and sisters. Her mother felt that she needed that extra loving care.”

Sometimes, Beatrix says, the kids who need mentorship the most can get lost because they are quiet about what they need. She encouraged her agency’s Match Support Specialists to pay attention to those kids. “Sometimes it’s harder to keep a match together when the kids seem like they don’t need it,” she says. “But the ones that seemingly don’t need it, or aren’t expressing their appreciation, or aren’t showing signs of distress, you just don’t know how things are affecting them.”

Little Sister Christina, the Little who Beatrix was matched with the longest, was kind of like that. Beatrix often wondered whether she could have done more for Christina. One day, Beatrix said to her, “I look around, I see your friends, they’re all pregnant.” Christina was accustomed to conversations about decisions and her future. Beatrix asked, “How come you don’t have a baby?” Christina, who had eight siblings, had her answer ready. “No, I’m going to be like you. I’m going to wait,” she said.

Decades later, Beatrix is still close with almost all of her former Littles, most of whom now have families of their own. She’s even kept up with some of the parents she met as a caseworker in the 1980s. The caseworker or Match Support Specialist role is the most important part of the Big Brothers Big Sisters program, Beatrix says. “It’s what differentiates Big Brothers Big Sisters – you’re calling them all the time, you’re calling the Big, you’re calling the parent, you’re talking to the Little,” she says. “We spend so much time talking to all three parties, and without that piece, the matches wouldn’t make it.”